Aug 13, 2020 · Editie 2020 August
Ukato JS became auction topper of our first online auction. For the price of €24 000 he found his new stable in the United Kingdom. The Emerald offspring was very populair. Uthopia van ‘t Kieveld left to Switzerland for €15 000 and for €12 000 Ulysse van Twelve Oaks moved to the United Kingdom. Umerald van het Kapelhof left for € 16 000 to Argentina. Lots of interest came from Argentina as Uno CC van het Wingerdhof and Udarcobreaker-M will also make the trip to Argentina. The eldorado filly Utopia van 't Gelutt stays in Belgium for €16000.
With an average price of €10 000 the breeders and the auction committee are more than satisfied with the first online edition. We are very convinced that these new references will rise our percentage international showjumpers in the future!
Who’s ready for our next edition in October?
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